Z Xhodon
Wersja z dnia 19:46, 26 cze 2009 autorstwa Sorensis (dyskusja | edycje) (Nowa strona: == Ogólne pytania == ===Jaka jest różnica między "światłem" a "ciemnością"?=== :Aktualny poziom rozgrywek nie robi większej różnicy, jaką stronę wybierzesz. W grze planowan...)

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Ogólne pytania

Jaka jest różnica między "światłem" a "ciemnością"?

Aktualny poziom rozgrywek nie robi większej różnicy, jaką stronę wybierzesz. W grze planowane jest wprowadzenie specjalnych przedmiotów, które mogą zostać użyte tylko przez jedną ze stron. Przy wyborze strony musisz posłuchać własnego serca.

Również wybór gildii nie wpływa na tę decyzję, gdy wstępujesz do niej otrzymujesz automatycznie przez nią wybraną stronę. Pierwsza zmiana strony dzieje się bez kary i żadnych skutków. Kiedy zmienisz stronę po raz drugi, Drzewo Życia przestaje produkować Manę na dwa dni.

Co oznacza słowo Klik?

Jako Klik oznacza się jednostkę czasową w grze. Produkcja, ruchy wojska i wypowiadanie zaklęć liczy się według tej jednostki czasowej (jeden Klick = 5 min). Czas do następnej aktualizacji wyświetlony jest w lewej górnej części ekranu.

Od kiedy można mnie atakować? (Ochrona dla początkujących).

W momencie, w którym wypowiedziane zaklęcie powoduje, że jakikolwiek budynek osiągnie poziom 10., tracisz swoją ochronę dla początkujących. Gdy wszystkie Twoje budynki mają poziomy niższe niż 10., nie możesz zostać zaatakowanym, ale równocześnie sam nie możesz atakować innych graczy.

Twoja ochrona znika również w chwili, gdy uzyskasz 5000 punktów. Stan swoich punktów możesz sprawdzić w Menu Moc.

Jak mogę usunąć moje konto z gry?

W ustawieniach konta znajduje się przycisk „Usuń konto”. Kliknij na ten przycisk prawym przyciskiem myszy, a konto zostanie automatycznie zakolejkowane do usunięcia.

Kiedy moje konto zostanie usunięte automatycznie?

Jeśli nie zalogujesz się po raz pierwszy w ciągu 3 dni od chwili rejestracji, Twoje konto zostanie usunięte. Jeśli wybudujesz jakiś budynek, masz 3 tygodnie czasu, w którym możesz się nie logować, a konto będzie istnieć. Po tym czasie i braku aktywności zostaniesz usunięty z gry, zaś konto z Runami istnieć będzie przez 6 miesięcy nieaktywności.


Ile Smoczych Jaj potrzebnych jest do budowy następnych Pałaców?

Do budowy drugiego Pałacu potrzebujesz 1 Jaja, do trzeciego 10 Jaj, natomiast do czwartego aż 100 Jaj. Do kolejnych Pałaców (piątego, szóstego itd.) będziesz potrzebować o 10 Jaj więcej, niż potrzebowałeś do poprzednich Pałaców.


Jaka jest różnica między Obroną Normalną, Obroną Obszaru a Obroną Doliny?

W ustawieniu Normalna Obrona Bohater broni tylko Pałacu, w którym się właśnie znajduje. W ustawieniu Obrona Obszaru Bohater broni wszystkich pałaców Twoich i sprzymierzeńców (w sektorze x:y 1 do x:y 9).
Ustawienie Obrona Doliny powoduje, że Bohater broni tylko tę dolinę, w której się właśnie znajduje (w tym wypadku nie ma znaczenia, czy masz zawarte z pałacem w dolinie przymierze).

What are the commands set up war camp and encamp for?

With the command set up war camp you can set up a war camp on the selected coordinates, which other heroes can join with the command encamp.

Can my hero die?

No, only the creatures that are aside your hero can die, your hero is immortal.

For what are the attributes attack, defence, and life force

The hero's three attributes increase the attack, defence and/or life force of the creatures under his command. More details in the article heroes.

How do I transfer creatures from my palace to my hero?

Your hero must stand on your palace. Now click on Heroes on the top of the page, and select your hero. In the category Load & Unload you can swap your creatures between your palace and your hero with the slider or by typing the numbers.

Conjure buildings

How do I conjure buildings?

Select the page Conjure on the left top of the page. There you can change the time, when the conjuration should be finished. The longer it takes, the less mana it requires. Afterwards click on the building, that you want to conjure.


What are the resources in Xhodon, and how do I get them?

In the world of Xhodon there are 5 different resources. These are Herb Essences, Crystal Splinters, Power Stones, Gold Resin and Mana.
Herb Essences are harvested from the School of Herbs, Crystal Splinters are mined in the Cave of Crystals, Power Stones are collected from the Stone Root, Gold Resin leaks from the Resin Vein and Mana is produced by your Tree of Life.

Tree of Life

Why doesn't my Tree of Life produce Mana?

If you have changed the gender or the alignment of your magician (only the first time is free), your Tree of Life won't produce Mana for 2 days.

Xhodotorian Cocoon and Breeding Pit

Why can't I summon creatures?

Often you can't summon creatures because you haven't got enough resources, or your Xhodotorian Cocoon or Xhodotorian Cocoon is on a too low level, so you haven't got enough space left. Furthermore you have to fulfill all requirements, which are shown on the page Wisdom.

I have summoned creatures, but I can't find them.

Checking the amount of creatures in a palace is possible in two ways: Either have a hero stand on the palace or conjure a Secret Cavern. Then go to the hero menu or the Secret Cavern respectively to see how many creatures you have.

What's the difference between the two numbers on the right?

The number behind the clock icon shows how many creatures of this type can be summoned in one hour (Dragon Eggs are summoned in 4 hour cycles, so for them the hour number may be a fraction). The number behind "max." shows how many creatures of this type you can summon with your current resources.

Hero Statue

What's the difference between the hero types?

The only differences between heroes are their initial stat points, which are distributed differently to Attack, Defence and Life Force. The Pegasus is an exception. You cannot assign creatures other than Unicorn Carts and Dragon Eggs to Pegasi, and they cannot attack. They cannot be attacked either, so they provide a secure way to transport resources. However, they will attempt to defend just like any other hero would do, so watch where they are standing and what defence setting they have activated.

Why can't I create a second Hero?

To create further Heroes, you will have to conjure your Hero Statue higher - five levels for one hero. Note: Throughout your palaces, only the highest conjured statue counts, so even if you have two palaces with hero statue level 5, you will be able to create only two heroes.

Mad Eye

What is the Mad Eye?

The Mad Eye allows you to at the Xhodonia world map. Depending on the eye's level, you will be able to see more or less areas.

Crystalline Catapult

Who can I fire at with the Crystalline Catapult?

With the Crystalline Catapult, you can fire at enemy heroes in your proximity. It does not matter whether the hero is moving or not, but you can not shoot at heroes standing on their own palace.

How much damage does the Catapult cause?

The damage done depends on the amount of Crystal Shards you use for the shot. The higher your Catapult's level, the more Crystal you can use. The distance of your shot will also affect its damage - the farther your target is away, the less damage you do.

How far can I shoot with the Catapult?

The range also depends on the Catapult's level. Until level 8, you can only shoot at heroes directly in your area. Then the range increases by one area each with levels 8, 19, 34, 50, 70 (...).


How can I get points?

You may acquire points in three ways:
  1. Buildings
  2. Creatures
  3. Heroes

See more details in the article Might.

After what rules do I get points for buildings?

Buildings give points depending on their resource cost. The more resources you spend, the more points you get. Herb Essences give less points than Crystal Shards, these give less than Power Stone, and the most points are given for spending Gold Resin. Mana does not yield any points.

After what rules do I get points for creatures?

These also depend on the resources needed to summon the creature. Go to your Wisdom tree to look up how many points each creature is worth.

After what rules do I get points for heroes?

You get points for hero experiece - one EXP equals one point. Your hero gets EXP for own lost creatures and killed enemy creatures (sentinel creatures are exceptions - they don't give EXP), but note that the point loss when your own creature dies is usually bigger than the point increase through the gained EXP. So to actually increase your points through hero EXP, win battles against other magicians.


What do the diplomatic settings do?

Only you and the player you have a diplomatic relationship with can see those diplomatic connections. Watch out, though. If you add someone as allied, you can not attack them anymore, but they can still attack you.


How can I exchange pearls?

If you have pearls, go to the profile of the magician you want to exchange pearls with. Click the button "Offer trade". Once the other magician accepts your exchange request, both of you receive one rune in exchange for the pearl.

What do I need Runes for?

With runes you can

Heroes in motion

What do the colored motions in the palace screen mean?

The colors mark certain types of hero motions which might be interesting for you. See Palace on each color's meaning.

War Camps

Who leads a war camp?

The hero who set up the war camp will also lead it. If this hero receives a command, the whole war camp will follow. Only this player can see what creatures exactly the other encamped heroes lead. If a war camp (A) encamps in another war camp (B), the leader of war camp B will not be able to see war camp A's encamped heroes' creatures.

How are experience points and resources divided?

Experience points are divided accordingly to each hero's share of the total horde. Resources are distributed from "top" to "bottom", i.e. first, the leading hero's Unicorn Carts are loaded, then the second one's etc.

How are the hero status bonuses calculated?

All creatures get the bonuses of their respective hero. The leading hero does not have any influence on other heroes' creatures.


What are sentinels?

Sentinels are neutral non-player creatures found throughout the world. They stand guard over resources and ingredients.

What does the sentinel's level mean?

The higher the level, the more creatures the sentinel horde contains. Sentinels level A also carry an artefact and are about as strong as sentinels level 2.

Can sentinels be spied on?

Yes, they can. Since spies are simply attacks without creatures, there is nothing holding you back from spying.

Do sentinels yield experience points?

No, they do not. Only your own lost creatures and possibly dead creatures of another magician's defending hero will yield experience points in sentinel battles.Nein, aber es gibt Erfahrungspunkte für die im Kampf gegen Wächter verlorenen eigenen Wesen.


What do I need ingredients for?

Some time in the near future, you will be able to brew Potions with these ingredients, which will give you a temporary boost. This function is not available yet.


Why is the clock wrong?

In the forum, go to the User Control Panel. Now go to the settings and configure your clock. (This part of the forum seems to be bugged currently.)

How can I make a signature?

Go to the User Control Panel, from there to the signature console and enter your signature.