Selecting the most appropriate Celebrity Spokesperson3054502

Z Xhodon
Wersja z dnia 18:13, 5 lut 2014 autorstwa MarcoboaapcbdwbDurando (dyskusja | edycje) (Utworzył nową stronę „Throughout advertising history, there have been many celebrity spokespeople pitching from cereal to phones. I'm certain you can all make a few celebrity pitchmen and...”)

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Skocz do: nawigacji, wyszukiwania

Throughout advertising history, there have been many celebrity spokespeople pitching from cereal to phones. I'm certain you can all make a few celebrity pitchmen and females both past and provide: Bill Cosby for Jello, Joan Cusack for U.S. Cellular, Sam Waterston (of Law and Order fame) for Ameri-trade, plus more recently William Shatner for Priceline come to mind. In a flash these spokespeople would appear like obvious fits, but also for advertisers the selection process is much more complex. Studies claim that celebrity ads garner higher awareness than non-celebrity ads. And even though I don't doubt that awareness may increase, it's imperative as marketers that people select a representative that can carry the company message and turn into a persuadable force in your consumer. This is why I've outlined 3 simple methods for choosing a highly effective celebrity endorsement.

So what can After all by "brand personality?" At our firm we define your brand as your unique claim of distinction. Your brand personality then, could be characteristics that define that make claims. By way of example, the Volvo name is symbolic of safety, security and confidence. By attributing human characteristics for the brand, we identify key traits to watch out for in an effective spokesperson. In the end, the goal of any brand and its communications method is to help purchase behavior. That is why the credibility of an given spokesperson plays an important role in convincing an audience to select your unique brand. Your message becomes more powerful and believable when an endorsement carries some perceived authority. While expertise certainly plays a part in credibility from the spokesperson, I believe traits for example likability, persuasiveness, and physical characteristics should also be considered while making your selection. One good example that comes to mind is Dennis Hopper for Ameriprise Financial. The "Dreams Don't Retire" campaign talks about how Ameriprise is redefining financial planning, and encourages baby-boomers to accomplish their retirement dreams. As a symbol of the revolutionary spirit of his generation, Hopper is the best choice to address baby-boomers about redefining their financial planning. When scouting for a spokesperson, you must identify someone who will appeal for the demographics of the market. Within a recent example, Suddenlink Communications, a national cable, Internet and home phone service provider, desired to gear their brand messaging towards a younger, more tech-savvy segment of the audience (Adults 18-34). Our firm proposed nationally recognized comedian, Mike Birbiglia, as his or her spokesperson. Being a regular on Comedy Central, Birbiglia features a strong following on college comedy circuits and effectively markets his act through the Internet and social media sites including YouTube and Facebook. The campaign became a huge success for Suddenlink. With Birbiglia, their brand message suddenly became highly relevant to their audience, and also the results proved it. Ultimately, pairing the right celebrity endorsement with all the right brand can amplify your marketing communications. A good candidate needs to be in line with the relevance and believability they bring about and when they can be described as a persuasive force in getting the buyer to think about acquiring the services or products.